Dr. rer. med. Verena Dähne

Qualified psychologist, systemic family therapist (DGSF), alternative practitioner in the field of psychotherapy

Alexandra Sorgenicht's intuitive training is a quantum leap for me in all areas of life.

I started the training primarily with the intention of further developing my therapeutic work. But I quickly realized how much has changed for me personally since I started the intuition training.

I don't even know where to start when I think about all the small and big steps that I have been able to take in the last year and will continue to take. I have learned so much for and about myself, recognized, moved and certainly solved a lot - starting with my (energetic) perception, dealing with old injuries, unconscious reaction patterns and long-standing stressors through to opportunities to accompany other people on their path with healings and readings.

What I have found most valuable for my therapeutic work so far is the very clear focus on an appreciative and neutral attitude at the institute, which allows me to be much more open and curious towards my clients, away from preconceived concepts. The constant self-reflection on matches with other people helps me to engage neutrally with the needs of my clients without my own issues creeping into the therapy processes. And at the same time, I can perceive myself much more clearly, not only in a professional context, and therefore take much better care of myself and my needs.


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