Frank Oehlmann

Creative in the fields of image, sound, object, sound therapy and education

Alexandra's intuition training makes utopias possible.

The problem as to why the utopia I would like to see is not yet here is the image we have of what is normal. There is no such thing as normal, everyone is different and has their own path. Therein lies the opportunity to enrich each other.

As soon as I fall into the trap of trying to conform to a currently valid "norm", I betray my uniqueness.

By working with my inner parts under the wonderful guidance of Alexandra, I was able to get to my "shadow issues" and my pain. Interestingly, some of these issues lie quite openly on the surface, masquerading as the normal, and the real, the human-normal, is taboo.

In my vision of utopia, being together in a group plays an essential role. The emergence of networks creates solidarity, mutual support and inspiration without having to compete.

That's how I would like to work and live. Thanks to intuition training, I know that it is possible. Because I have seen it, felt it and experienced it for real in various groups that Alexandra has accompanied.

"I can see clearly now" under which conditions Utopia is possible.

The song came to my mind shortly after the WEITES HERZ retreat.
As it says so beautifully in the text (German translation):

"I can see clearly now, the rain is gone
I can see all the obstacles in my path
Gone are the dark clouds that blinded me
It becomes a brighter (brighter), brighter (brighter)
Sunny and shiny day
It becomes a brighter (brighter), brighter (brighter)
Sunny and shiny day
I think I can do it now, the pain is gone
All the bad feelings have disappeared
Here is the rainbow I prayed for
It becomes a brighter (brighter), brighter (brighter)
Sun-shining day"

Lyrics and music by Johnny Nash.

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