Dipl. Psych. Clemens Lücke

Child and adolescent psychotherapist Psychotherapist, family therapist (DGFS, SG), supervisor (DGSF) and coach (DGSF, DGFC) as well as teaching coach (DGFC, DGFS), accredited as a supervisor at the NRW Chamber of Psychotherapists.

It is an adventure to write about something that everyone knows, but which is not "proven" anywhere.

Intuitive teacher Alexandra Sorgenicht nevertheless dared to write this book:
"Intuition , How to strengthen the voice of your soul and to use it for a self-determined
and free life" (ISBN 978-3-442-22380-0, Goldmann)

So if you want to embark on a journey of discovery, if you want to find out more about a special
dimension of life, you will find an enlightening book here.

Children are good at using their intuition. They still have free access. Only with the
Growing up, we trust our cognitive brain more than our intuition, writes
Alexandra Sorgenicht. But we can get our intuition "back" if we train it.
The book is very personal and full of examples. This makes it easy to read. It tries to
explain the connection between body/mind/soul and psyche and the connection to spirituality.
"Intuition is the voice of the soul" (chapter heading page 29). This expands
the field. Because, just like "intuition", the concept of the
"transcendent being" is not really defined.

And it doesn't have to be: I have been working as a psychotherapist, family therapist and coach for about 45 years.
In the course of this work, I repeatedly encounter people who "superficially" deal with
"reasonable" problems. Behind this are questions such as enough love and
recognition, but also elusive thoughts about one's own intuition and the
own spirituality. Also the observation that our world without a spiritual
context is difficult to explain. Sometimes they are just assumptions, hypotheses,
sometimes also convictions.

So I can understand many of Alexandra Sorgenicht's conclusions. However, I have realised
that the most rational people can be very intuitive.

So: you will find a courageous book here, which is very easy to read and very personally
written. It offers an insight into the world of intuition. It cannot answer all questions
but it encourages you to ask your own questions. In this way, it points to your own path of


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