Basic intuitive training

Intuitive living

Intuition is THE essential competence for the development of human consciousness in the current era.

Alexandra Sorgenicht

The basic training "Intuitive Living" is your opportunity to shape your life consciously, coherently and vividly.

The highlights of your basic training


Knowledge from more than 20 years of experience as an intuitive trainer.


The training invites you to follow your very own path.


The exercises are simple and concise and can therefore be used in everyday life.


The workbook gives you a framework in which you can reflect on the experiences of each week, record them and take them further.

Live Sessions

With a total booking you get 15 live sessions.

Videos & AUDIOS

Approx. 80 hours of high-quality intuitive training by and with Alexandra Sorgenicht.


The basic training is available to you indefinitely, you can repeat, deepen or refresh certain aspects at any time.


You can join a community group if you wish.

Do you want to bring about change in the world through your being and your actions? Do you know that the beginning lies within yourself? Despite your many experiences, do you still often find yourself in a situation where you ask yourself to what extent you can trust your perception?

You are not alone! The lack of access to our intuition makes us feel incomplete, and the vague feeling that "something" is missing keeps coming up. Perhaps you are in contact with your intuition and experience it as successful when you speak or make decisions "purely intuitively" depending on the situation - but at crucial moments you seen to lack your intuition?

It is no coincidence that nobody really knows exactly what intuition is, and that only a few have it safely and freely at their disposal.

Intuitive people have an indestructible inner safety, an intrinsic compass and their own authority that cannot be manipulated.

This makes Intuition THE discipline of the new era. It enables all people who strive for change, healing and sustainable development for the human collective to consciously create.

You are here for a reason - Trust your intuition!

The training is suitable for you if you:

The "Intuitive Living" training is a combination of video training with independent practice in everyday life, accompanied by a monthly live session (online). I provide you with concentrated knowledge and effective methodology from over two decades of experience as an intuition trainer and over five decades as an intuitive person.

Each of the eight modules contains 13 videos with background information, meditations, deep trance journeys, body awareness exercises, powerful intuitive visualizations and valuable tools for integrating what you have learned and experienced into your everyday life.

Every month I am available for 1.5 hours to answer questions and provide further information and inspiration. You can find the dates in the calendar.

I would be delighted to support you in creating a sustainable and highly effective basis for your intuitive life.



Do you have any questions? Then please contact the office via

All eight modules at a glance

The primal form of safety, intuitive safety, lies in the ability of people to be in contact with their own soul at every moment of their lives, to freely perceive information from the soul level, to follow it with confidence and to be able to implement it safely in everyday reality, even in unknown and challenging situations.

Conscious intuitive trust is independent of existing or missing basic trust, it has its basis at soul level. Every person, even if he or she is very injured or traumatized, has the opportunity to (re)find the right basis for beneficial trusting behaviour by communicating with their own soul. Through intuition, it is possible to recognize the underlying reasons for the willingness to trust or mistrust; to energetically release rigid and unconscious beliefs that cause damaging trust or restrictive mistrust and thus gradually build up healthy self-confidence.

We cannot control our intuitive will cognitively, it comes from our soul and is simple. When our three levels of consciousness are clear and we have free access to our intuition and decide from the highest self, then we always want what we want because there are no more blockages or imprints that give our ego structure more power than our intuitive being. In the intuitive will, wanting and being are one and inseparable.

Intuitive love is loving in full awareness of the needs of body, mind and soul and with unconditional respect for one's own being as well as that of the partner. Intuitive love is free from rigid ideas and at the same time in direct connection with individual needs and processes. Intuitive love does not serve an image, it is always evolving. Intuitive love allows and creates real intimacy: physical, emotional and spiritual intimacy.

Intuitive communication encompasses awareness of all levels of communication, especially the non-verbal levels. Intuitive communication always recognizes and focuses on the essence of a communication: "What is the essence really about?" Intuitive communication is honest, direct and essential.

Intuitive perception is the most neutral and at the same time most connected form of perception. It is the center of your intuitive being in your body.

Intuitive authority is a quality in its own right. It knows no "being right" and no "better than" or "more relevant than". Your intrinsic authority includes your authority over your spiritual knowledge and your authority over your value as a whole: the wholeness of soul, body and personality/human being. Intuitive authority is always on an equal footing; "power over" is completely alien to it.
Intuitive authority is independent of acquired knowledge, education and position. In my intuitive authority, I am deeply connected to my spiritual knowledge and I know my value in every situation. I always have access to my knowledge and my trust or can quickly regain both if I have lost them in the short term. Regardless of whether someone else is leading, dominating or even manipulating the situation.

Recommendation for carrying out the training

You have decided to start -
I am happy for you and looking forward to you!

Nächstes Q&A: 26.02.2025

The training modules build on each other. I therefore recommend that you always start with the first training session and only begin the next one once you have completed it.

Buying and completing single trainings is possible and will still bring you great benefits!

In general, however, I have designed INTUITIVE LIFE as a coherent unit that provides you with sustainable and lasting support in building your sustainable intuitive foundation.

To get you started, you will receive one training session per week with the INTUITIVE SAFETY module so that you have enough time for integration and reflection.

You can work through the following seven modules at your own pace. This means that as soon as you have completed one training course, the next one is unlocked for you.

In the workbook, I give you suggestions for reflecting on your experiences during the training and provide additional tips for practicing in everyday life.
In the monthly Q&A sessions, I answer questions that arise, we discuss your experiences and I share valuable perspectives on how to implement the insights you have gained.

With each of the 13 trainings you get the opportunity to participate in a live Q&A session. If you book the full package, you can participate in the live sessions over 15 months (two bonus sessions are included in the full package). If you book a single training, you get access to one Q&A session, if you book a bundle, you have the opportunity to participate in 5 live sessions (one bonus session is included in the bundle).


  • Clear perception of your prioritized channel for perceiving your intuition
  • Implementing the intuitive level of perception in your general perception skills
  • Understanding the effectiveness of working with energy
  • Recognizing sabotaging patterns and beliefs - and clarifying them
  • Awareness of your own energy system and factors influencing it, protection of your own system
  • Experience of the Highest Self as a safe and independent aspect of the self
  • Trust in the guidance of the Highest Self
  • Possibility of using your intuition in all private areas of your life
  • Possibility of using your intuition in all professional areas of your life
  • Experience a living basis for shaping your intuitive life

Intuitive training online & mobile

Train conveniently via desktop or app on your phone. All modules are available for you in video and audio format. You can already take a look at the course area and structure. There may also be one or two videos available for you to get an impression.

alexandra Sorgenicht

I am Alexandra Sorgenicht, intuition expert, author, mentor and founder.

For more than twenty years, I have been helping people to become free and self-determined by (re)discovering and developing their intuitive abilities. As an entrepreneur, creative, boss, expert and spiritual teacher, I find myself in a daily field of tension whose coordinates were considered irreconcilable not so long ago. My own history and my diverse experiences as a bridge-builder between worlds have given me valuable expertise in finding my way in a fragmented world.

Today, after many years of inner work, I am very grateful for this.


This newsletter is different - it's intuitive! Here you will receive weekly information, inspiration and background knowledge on intuition, intuition training and intuitive living. The focus of the newsletter is intuitive leadership and intuition as a discipline of the new age.