Dr. Lia Gogokhia

Senior Credit Risk Analyst, Bridge Builder, Intuitive Healer and Reader

It was a snap decision in spring 2021: in my first live webinar with Alexandra, I knew immediately that I wanted to start training, train my intuition and learn to live intuitively. I am grateful that I have this ability from nature to recognize and sense exactly what is to come next in my life!

Now I live intuitively, I would say, every day I wake up slowly, flow energy and feel what today brings me, what life, the living, the universe wants from me today and what I want and can live, give, realize.

The path in between was through training at the Institute for Intuition Training with Alexandra. I completed almost all the trainings and almost all the retreats, one after the other. It was like a pull towards myself that I couldn't escape...

They were deep journeys to MYSELF, journeys of self-recognition, deep and painful healings, even crashes. Sometimes I lost my footing, and then coming back to life, feeling myself again was so magical. I learned to let my feelings be, to regulate them and let them flow, I learned, healed and came to life, finally arrived in my life. It sounds big and it was and is big: I have been able to fundamentally transform myself, I have arrived in my powerful femininity. I have learned eye level in encounters. I have discovered my incarnational purpose and realized that I am a visionary and that I can create divinely. As a human being, as a woman, I am a channel, a window for the divine, like each and every one of us. I am a soul incarnated in a human body. Through intuition training with Alexandra, I can live this sacred knowledge every day anew, live it embodied. A blessing.

I am deeply and sincerely grateful to Alexandra for this path, for these journeys, for this development!

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