Nina Poppe

Documentary filmmaker, portrait photographer, mother

About four years ago I started to look around in the spiritual world, I had already done some personal development but was looking for that "more". I have a few friends who are involved with energy work and spirituality in different ways. However, there is often a lack of integration into everyday life. A weekend or a week of meditation or similar is exciting, instructive and relaxing, but it doesn't really change anything in essence. Intuition training in continuity over the years is what has really changed me and my life.
A major milestone for me was recognizing my own autonomy. This also means understanding that it is in my power how I classify events from the past and in the present. Of course, this is not easy, especially dealing with and healing experiences and the resulting beliefs from childhood is quite painful and requires intensive "sticking with it".

And yet I find it hugely empowering to be able to decide how I deal with it now. I used to have a temper and hit the roof when I felt I was being treated unfairly or someone was being 'stupid'. Now I can see that it usually has nothing to do with me and leave the energy with the other person.

I have realized that I am only harming myself or wasting my energy if I get involved in such a conflict. That doesn't mean it's no longer worth fighting. On the contrary, I will always be a fighter, but today I know better what I am fighting for. What I also learned from Alexandra is that the basis is always self-love and self-care. That sounds obvious, but it's not. And it's not easy to establish this basis and integrate it into everyday life.

This was also a very important learning process in terms of my motherhood and my interaction with my children. My imprint from my family of origin was more in the direction of self-sacrifice. Today, I try to be more of a role model by taking good care of myself. Healthy empathy and helpfulness without self-sacrifice.

As a portrait photographer, I have always had to empathize with my subject. When I was doing well myself, it was easy for me, but when I wasn't in such a good position and I felt insecure, it was exhausting for me to work because I could no longer stay with myself through the intense perception of the energies.

That has changed significantly!

Working with Alexandra has given me even better access to my artistic being, because access to creativity lies more in intuition than in our reasoning. Due to the stress of everyday family life with small children, artistic work was difficult for me for a long time. I lacked the mental and emotional freedom. Through intuition work, I was able to reclaim this space (my own space), which has helped me and my creativity enormously.
I can no longer imagine my life without intuition work and it is an important part of my life. It is simply the connection with myself.

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