Caren Toennissen

WDR editor for fictional formats, Cologne, DE

As an editor at a public broadcaster, I often encountered a discrepancy between the ideal and the possible in my busy day-to-day work.
Through my training in intuition training according to Alexandra Sorgenicht, I have not only been able to experience true inner freedom, but can also apply this essential skill in my often hectic job. I can give a cinematic face to energies that I perceive on a subtle level and thus make visible what wants to be seen. By the audience. In this world. To touch and to move.

And how important it is for me to include the spiritual level - my spiritual or intuitive knowledge - in everything I experience as a citizen of this planet.
To finally, and always further, live myself. In freedom. With what I have come for and what I have to give to the world.
This realization now even applies to my work as an editor for television films and series: I gradually learned to understand that in my profession as a filmmaker - i.e. in the development of characters and stories - I am ultimately "reade". That, as far as possible, I dramaturgically rededicate or fictionalize what I can "see" in terms of energies left behind or future energies.
That, thanks to my training, I can give these energies a cinematic face. To make visible on this level what wants to be seen.
From the audience. In this world. To touch and to move.

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