Dipl. Psych. Beate Rahn

Consultant, coach, trainer

The IFI training courses have greatly enriched me in my growth and healing processes. In my professional context as a coach and consultant, I consult Alexandra Sorgenicht as a supervisor in order to sort out the systems and processes of companies and protagonists as well as my role as a consultant in challenging projects. It is always amazing how precisely, differentiated and clearly she describes the essence of the key issues.

For the insights that I gain in a single hour with their support, I would need much more time with other (mainstream) methods and would not achieve this top quality.


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NEW: The basis of intuition training ROOTS AND WINGS

The basis of the basis ;) INTUITIVE SAFETY is now available online for you. The eight-part series ROOTS AND WINGS is your opportunity to shape your life consciously, coherently and vibrantly.