As INTUITION regains its place in human existence, knowledge, action and living together, it opens up the possibility of a fulfilled life for all people on a healthy planet.

Intuitive training for you, for your connections, your visions. For your humanness and therefore for humanity.

20 years

Over 20 years of experience


in German-speaking countries and worldwide

one to one

1:1 experience of intuitive work in professional individual sessions and personal process mentoring

Training and support

from multipliers of nearly every area of life/industry

Training formats

In presence, live online and independent learning via audio and video training

Get to know

1:1 experience of intuitive work in regular open events


Private & Corporate

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This one is different - because it's intuitive!

Welcome to the space for INTUITION and intuitive life.

I am Alexandra Sorgenicht, expert for intuition, intuitive trainer & pioneer.

For over twenty years I have been training people to (re)perceive their intuition and to reliably integrate it into all areas of their lives.

On this page you find the whole range of my offers:
From introductory offers such as open events and audio trainings for independent learning to workshops, intensive trainings and retreats, to the 2-year IntuESSENCE training, which offers you all the experience and tools you need to create an intuitive life.

The next trainings & events

NEW: The basis of intuition training #01-#08 | Video training with accompaniment

Next start: 14.09.24 | Empaths who change the world.

Part-time 2-year training course

You are very welcome:

Never underestimate the importance of your own path and transformation. Just as a small motion in the water can become a huge wave, your intuitive life as well has a powerful effect on other people. Here you find a wide range of possibilities that will powerfully support you in making your longings and visions come true:


Workshops, Trainings Intense, Retreats: you can find all live offers, online or in person, here


Independent learning to integrate your intuition


The head wants something too!
Background information, knowledge, insight


Podcast "Enlightenment on a daily basis"

Background information, impulses, stories and perception exercises on intuition


The basic intuition training ROOTS AND WINGS gives you concentrated knowledge and effective methodology from over two decades of experience as an intuition trainer and over five decades as an intuitive person. The video training activates the power of your intuition in all essential areas of human life. It includes a monthly live Q&A meeting with Alexandra.

Alexandra's creations and her being mean to me a fundamental life change from "surviving" to "living".

I have been Alexandra's student for 6 years, I am a working partner and now a colleague. The fact that I have become a professional intuitive trainer, healer and reader myself is just a by-product of what I have actually gained from my connection with Alexandra:

I was allowed to become an intuitive person (again). I was able to remember who I am on all levels of being human and was given the tools I need to truly live that, each day more, each day more truthful.

Alexandra is the first person who ever said to me: "I see you." And it was true. From the very beginning, I felt seen by her on a level that I had almost forgotten and that had never been reflected to me anywhere in the world before.

Through Alexandra's clear and gentle guidance I was able to learn to see myself again, feel my calling again, heal my body and create the life I came for.

Even though she deserves some credits as a spiritual midwife, what I appreciate most is her everlasting humility before the self-power, self-direction and unique creative power of every human being. She is not a guru, she is passionately human.

I am infinitely grateful for that!

Jana Winterhalter
Soul-Led Pioness, Intuitive Trainer & Growth Mentor, Kenya

Since April 2024:

"INTUITION" - How to strengthen the voice of your soul and use it for a free and self-determined life

ORIGINAL EDITION, currently available in German
Paperback, gatefold brochure, approx. 256 pages, 13.5 x 21.5 cm, 15 b/w illustrations
ISBN: 978-3-442-22380-0
Published on April 17, 2024

NEW: The basis of intuition training ROOTS AND WINGS

The basis of the basis ;) INTUITIVE SAFETY is now available online for you. The eight-part series ROOTS AND WINGS is your opportunity to shape your life consciously, coherently and vibrantly.